Use of Was Were in Hindi – Meaning, Rules, Examples and Exercises

Use of Was Were in Hindi – Meaning, Rules, Examples, and Exercises in English Grammar. Was और were प्रयोग Past Tense में होता है। Was, Were Verb To be की forms हैं। Is, am, are के Past Tense के रूप में होता है। इनका प्रयोग। Primary Auxiliary Verb तथा Helping Verb के रूप में करते हैं। इस पोस्ट में आगे Use of was were in Hindi के सभी नियमों को उदाहरण सहित समझाया गया है।

In this post, you will learn about the use of was and were in Hindi. Was and were in English Grammar are used as Primary Auxiliary Verbs and Helping verbs. We have explained all the rules and examples of was were in this post.

Use of Was Were in Hindi
Use of was were in Hindi

मैंने इस पोस्ट के माध्यम से आपको Use of Was Were in Hindi को विस्तार से नियम तथा उदाहरण सहित समझाए है। मैंने इस पोस्ट में Was तथा Were के सभी नियम उदाहरण सहित समझाएं हैं। इस पोस्ट को पढ़ने के बाद आप Was तथा Were का प्रयोग अंग्रेजी में अच्छी तरह करना सीख जाएंगे। आप was तथा were के हिंदी वाक्यों को अवश्य पढ़ें।

Use of Was Were in Hindi and Meaning

हम अपने दैनिक जीवन में अंग्रेजी का प्रयोग करते हैं। हमें कहीं ना कहीं was तथा were का प्रयोग पढ़ने व लिखने को मिलता है। जब हमें इनका सही अर्थ व प्रयोग पता होगा तभी हम वाक्य में इनके अर्थ व प्रयोग को पूर्ण रूप से समझ सकते हैं। Was और were का प्रयोग Simple Past Tense में Auxiliary Verb के रूप में होता है। Was का प्रयोग Singular Subjects (Nouns/Pronouns) के साथ तथा were का प्रयोग Plural Subjects (Nouns/Pronouns) के साथ करते हैं

Rule – 1 Was का प्रयोग He, She, it, this, that तथा Singular Noun के साथ करते हैं। I के साथ was का प्रयोग करते हैं।

जैसे –

  • He was
  • She was
  • It was
  • I was
  • This was
  • That was
  • Ram was
  • The girl was
  • The boy was
  • The man was
  • The cow was

Read also:

Rule – 2 Were का प्रयोग You, we, they, these, those तथा Plural Noun के साथ करते हैं।

जैसे –

  • You were
  • They were
  • We were
  • These were
  • Those were
  • The girls were
  • The boys were
  • The men were
  • The cows were
Person Singular Plural
First I was We were
Second You were You were
Third He was
She was
It Was
Ram was
They were

Read about:

Use of Was Were in Hindi - Meaning Rules and Examples
Use of Was Were in Hindi

Was and Were meaning in Hindi

Was का हिंदी में अर्थ था, थी होता है। Were का हिंदी में अर्थ थे, थीं होता है।

  • Was – था, थी
  • Were – थे, थीं

Read also:

Use of Was and Were as auxiliary verbs in Hindi

हम Simple Past Tense के Affirmative, Negative और Interrogative Sentences में was, were का प्रयोग प्राथमिक सहायक क्रिया के रूप में होता है। आगे सभी प्रकार के वाक्यों के structure व उदाहरण दिए गए हैं उन्हें ध्यान से पढ़ें और समझें।

Affirmative Sentences

Structure – Subject + was/were + complement (noun/adjective/prepositional phrase)

Affirmative Sentences in Hindi

Examples –

1. वह दुखी था।
He was sad.

2. वह तुम्हारी माताजी थी।
She was your mother.

3. श्याम कानपुर में था।
Shyam was in Kanpur.

4. चोर बहुत चालाक था।
The thief was clever.

5. मैं कल व्यस्त था।
I was busy yesterday.

6. हम कल घर पर थे।
We were at home yesterday.

7. वे पार्क में थे।
They were in the park.

8. सुंदरलाल बहुत विद्वान व्यक्ति था।
Sundar Lal was a learned man.

9. मेरा भाई डॉक्टर था।
My brother was a doctor.

10. कल मैं उसके साथ था।
Yesterday I was with her.

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Negative Sentences

Structure – Subject + was/were + not + complement (noun/adjective/prepositional phrase)

Examples –

1. तुम कल बीमार नहीं थे।
You were not ill yesterday.

2. वह कल उपस्थित नहीं था।
He was not present yesterday.

3. आज रविवार नहीं था।
It was not Sunday today

4. कल सर्दी नहीं थी।
It was not cold yesterday.

5. वे चोर नहीं थे।
They were not thieves.

6. वह गरीब नहीं था।
He was not poor.

7. बे कल पार्क में नहीं थे।
They were not in the park.

8. तुम्हारा कमरा साफ नहीं था।
Your room was not clean.

9. गांव में एक कुआं था।
There was a well in the the village.

10. वह काला कौवा प्यासा नहीं था।
That crow was not thirsty.

Do you know meaning of from in Hindi and it’s use?

Interrogative Sentences

First Type – Yes-No Type Questions

यदि प्रश्नवाचक वाक्य ‘क्या’ से प्रारंभ होता है तो ‘क्या’ की अंग्रेजी नहीं लगाते हैं उसकी जगह कर्ता के अनुसार was/were का प्रयोग करते हैं।

Structure – Was/Were + Subject + complement (noun/adjective/prepositional phrase) + ?

Examples –

1. क्या तुम खुश थे?
Were you happy?

2. क्या वह कल नाराज था?
Was he angry yesterday?

3. क्या मैं कल तुम्हारे साथ था?
Was I with you yesterday?

4. क्या जानवर मेरे खेत में थे?
Were the animals in my field?

5. क्या किसान उदास था?
Was the farmer sad?

6. क्या वह परेशान था?
Was he in trouble?

7. क्या ये लड़के ईमानदार थे?
Were these boys honest?

8. क्या यह तुम्हारी गाड़ी थी?
Was this your car?

9. क्या वह उसकी कार थी?
Was that his car?

10. क्या हम बेईमान थे?
Were we dishonest?

Second Type – Wh-words Questions

Structure – Question word + Was/Were + Subject + complement (noun/adjective/prepositional phrase) + ?

Examples –

1. कल मौसम कैसा था?
How was the weather yesterday?

2. कल कौन-सा दिन था?
Which day was it yesterday?

3. तुम्हारे पिताजी नाराज क्यों थे?
Why was your father angry?

4. वह कल कहां था?
Where was he yesterday?

5. तुम्हारा थैला कौन सा था?
Which was your bag?

6. तुम्हारे घर पर कल कौन था?
Who was at your home yesterday?

7. तुम कैसे थे?
How were you?

8. इस घर का मालिक कौन था?
How was the owner of the house?

9. तुम्हारा जन्मदिन कब था?
When was your birthday?

10. इस नदी में कितना पानी था?
How much water was there in the river?

Read also:

Interrogative Negative Sentences

प्रश्नवाचक नकारात्मक वाक्य में Subject के बाद not का प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Examples –

1. क्या श्याम ईमानदार नहीं था?
Was Shyam not honest?

2. क्या तुम मेरे साथ नहीं थे?
Were you not with me?

3. क्या वे सिनेमा हॉल में नहीं थे?
Were you in the cinema hall?

4. क्या राजा बहादुर नहीं था?
Was the king not brave?

5. क्या यह लड़का खुश नहीं था?
Was this boy not happy?

6. वह यहां उपस्थित क्यों नहीं था?
Why was he not present here?

7. वे ईमानदार क्यों नहीं थे?
Why were they not honest?

8. यह फल ताजे क्यों नहीं थे?
Why were these fruits not fresh?

9. वह बच्चा खुश क्यों नहीं था?
Why was that child not happy?

10. कल सर्दी क्यों नहीं थी?
Why wasn’t it cold yesterday?

Use of Was Were in Past Continuous Tense in Hindi

was, were का प्रयोग Past Continuous Tense में  Helping Verb के रूप में subject के बाद करते हैं। इस टेंस के वाक्य के अंत में रहा था, रही थी, रहे थे, हुआ था आदि शब्द आते हैं।

Structure – Subject + was/were + verb I + ing + object + other words

Examples –

1. वह कल कार चला रहा था।
He was driving a car yesterday.

2. श्याम अपने माता पिता के साथ कानपुर जा रहा।
Shyam was going to Kanpur with his parents

3. रीता अपने घर की सफाई कर रही थी।
Reeta was cleaning her house.

4. तुम फल खरीद रहे थे।
You were buying the fruit.

5. बे इस नदी को पार कर रहे थे।
They were crossing the this river.

6. जब श्याम यहां आया मैं सो रहा था।
When Shyam came here, I was sleeping.

7. जब वह स्टेशन पहुंचा गाड़ी जा रही थी।
When he reached the station, the train was going.

8. लड़के पार्क में शोर कर रहे थे।
The boys were making a noise in the park.

9. वह उसे बुला रहा था।
He was calling him.

10. मैं आपका इंतजार कर रहा था।
I was waiting for you.

Use of was were in Passive Voice

Rule -1 Was तथा were का प्रयोग Passive Voice में Past Indefinite Tense की Helping Verb के रूप में करते हैं। Passive Voice में Did को was या were में बदलते हैं।

Examples –

1. She wrote a book.
A book was written by her.

2. He did not receive the payment.
The payment was not received by him.

3. They did not buy four chairs.
Four chairs were not bought by them

Rule – 2 Passive Voice में Past Continuous Tense में was, were को was being, were being में बदलते हैं।

Examples –

1. I was waiting for you.
You were being waited for by me.

2. They were not washing their clothes.
Their clothes were not being washed by them.

Read also:

Use of was were in Hindi with It and There

Rule – 1 It के साथ was का प्रयोग Past Tense में होता है।

Structure – It + was + complement + other words


1. कल रविवार था।
It was Sunday yesterday.

2. आज सुबह सर्दी थी।
It was very cold yesterday.

3. कल 5 मार्च थी।
It was 5 March.

4. सुबह सर्दी नहीं थी।
It was not cold in the morning.

5. आज गर्मी नहीं थी।
It was not hot yesterday.

Rule – 2 There के साथ was का प्रयोग किसी वस्तु या व्यक्ति का कहीं होने या ना होने पर कर करते हैं।

Examples –

1. गिलास में थोड़ा पानी था।
There was a little water in the glass.

2. छत पर चोर था।
There was a thief on the roof.

3. कमरे में एक बिल्ली थी।
There was a cat in the room.

4. पार्क में कुछ लोग थे।
There were some people in the park.

5. भारत में 29 राज्य थे।
There were 29 states in India.

Was and Were Exercises in Hindi for Practice

After reading the use of was and were in Hindi, you will be able to translate the Simple Hindi sentences into English. Here are given some exercises for translation. Solve the exercises the match your answers.

Exercise – 1

1. मेरा कमरा साफ था।
2. उसकी गाय काली थी।
3. तुम्हारे कपड़े गंदे थे।
4. वे वहां थे।
5. तुम अपने माता पिता के साथ कानपुर में थे।
6. भारत के प्रथम राष्ट्रपति डॉ राजेंद्र प्रसाद थे।
7. उसका गांव दूर था।
8. हमारा नगर बहुत प्रसिद्ध था।
9. वे कल नाराज थे।
10. यह फूल ताजे थे।

Answers of Exercise – 1

1. My room was clean.
2. His cow was black.
3. Your clothes were dirty.
4. They were there.
5. You were in Kanpur with your parents.
6. The first President of India was Dr. Rajendra Prasad.
7. His village was far away.
8. Our city was very famous.
9. They were angry yesterday.
10. These flowers were fresh.

Exercise – 2

1. वह तुमसे बड़ा नहीं था।
2. राम हमारा मित्र नहीं था।
3. बे मेरे साथ नहीं थे।
4. हमारा घर सुंदर नहीं था।
5. उसकी गाय बीमार नहीं थी।
6. मैं कल व्यस्त नहीं था।
7. बे ईमानदार नहीं थे।
8. वह तुम्हारे साथ नहीं था।
9. वह भारत का रहने वाला नहीं था।
10. मेरा दोस्त अमेरिकन नहीं था।

Answers of Exercise – 2

1. He was not older than you.
2. Ram was not our friend.
3. Bey was not with me.
4. Our house was not beautiful.
5. His cow was not sick.
6. I was not busy yesterday.
7. They were not honest.
8. He was not with you.
9. He was not a resident of India.
10. My friend was not American.

Exercise – 3

1. क्या वह भिखारी भूखा था?
2. क्या वह गेटकीपर था?
3. क्या राणा प्रताप महान थे?
4. क्या आम खट्टे थे?
5. क्या तुम ईमानदार थे?
6. क्या वह ऑफिस में नहीं था?
7. क्या महिला साहसी थी?
8. क्या गांधी जी अहिंसावादी थे?
9. क्या नेताजी महान देशभक्त थे?
10. क्या शंकराचार्य भारत के सर्वश्रेष्ठ दार्शनिक थे?

Answers of Exercise – 3

1. Was that beggar hungry?
2. Was he the gatekeeper?
3. Was Rana Pratap great?
4. Were the mangoes sour?
5. Were you honest?
6. Wasn’t he in the office?
7. Was the woman courageous?
8. Was Gandhi Ji non-violent?
9. Was Netaji a great patriot?
10. Was Shankaracharya the best philosopher of India?

Read also:


You have read about ‘was and were’ in this post. In this post, we have explained every rule of was and were with examples. There is an exercise for practice. After reading this post you will be able to identify the sentences of was and were. Past continuous tense is formed with the help of was and were. If you like this post please share this post with your friends and family so that they can learn about was and were in Hindi.

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I am an English language expert with over 10 years of teaching experience, specializing in grammar and linguistics. Passionate about making learning accessible, he writes in-depth, easy-to-understand guides.
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10 thoughts on “Use of Was Were in Hindi – Meaning, Rules, Examples and Exercises”

  1. Taniya Subramanian

    Dear Sir/Madam,
    Aa i am an educator of Hindi language.Your post is very useful for me because you have been explained it very briefly. Thankyou for sharing the grammar topics.

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