Use of Has and Have in Hindi – Meaning Rules and Examples. Has Have का प्रयोग Primary Auxiliary Verb की तरह करते हैं। Verb To Have की Forms Has और Have हैं। Simple Present Tense में Has Have का प्रयोग primary auxiliary verb के रूप में करते हैं। जब किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु के पास कुछ होने न होने पर करते हैं।
In this post, you will learn about the use of has have in Hindi with examples. Has and Have are forms of the verb ‘to have’. It is a primary auxiliary verb. Read the rules of has and have and do exercises. You can make sentences after learning has have use in Grammar.
Use of Has and Have in Hindi
Rule – 1 Has का प्रयोग Singular Nouns या Singular Pronouns के साथ करते हैं।
जैसे –
- She has (उसके पास)
- He has (उसके पास)
- It has (इसके पास)
- Ram has (राम के पास)
- Seeta has (सीता के पास)
- The girl has (लड़की के पास)
- The boy has (लड़के के पास)
- The man has (आदमी के पास)
Rule – 2 Have का प्रयोग Plural Nouns तथा Plural Pronouns के साथ करते हैं।
जैसे –
- I have (मेरे पास)
- You have (तुम्हारे पास)
- We have (हमारे पास)
- They have (उनके पास)
- The girls have (लड़कियों के पास)
- The boys have (लड़कों के पास)
- The men have (आदमियों के पास)
- Ram and Shyam have (राम और श्याम के पास)
- The Children have (बच्चों के पास)
Person | Singular | Plural |
First | I have | We have |
Second | You have | You have |
Third | He has She has It has |
They have |
Has and Have Meaning in Hindi and Use
Has तथा Have का Hindi में अर्थ ‘पास होना’ या ‘रखना’ होता है। यह अर्थ तभी लागू होता है जब Has Have का प्रयोग Primary Auxiliary Verb की तरह होता है।
- Has – पास है, रखता है, रखती है।
- Have – पास है, रखते हैं, रखते हो।
इसे भी पढ़ें: Auxiliary Verbs and Kinds
How to use has and have in a sentence
Has, Have का प्रयोग Sentence में नीचे दिए गए Sentence Structure के अनुसार करते हैं।
Structure – Subject + has/has + noun/others words
Note – वाक्य में Has Have प्रयोग करना बहुत आसान होता है। यह समझने के लिए नीचे दिए गए Points को ध्यान से पढ़ें और समझें।
- 1. सबसे पहले subject रखते हैं।
- 2. Subject के बाद Has या Have रखते हैं।
- 3. Has या Have के बाद Noun रखते हैं।
Read also:
- Use of is, am are in Hindi
- Use of was, were in Hindi
- Use of Had in Hindi with meaning | Had का प्रयोग हिंदी में सीखिए।
- Active Voice and Passive Voice in Hindi
- Adverbs in Hindi
- Was तथा Were के वाक्य हिंदी में
Affirmative Sentences
Structure – Subject + has/have + noun/others words
Examples –
1. मेरे पास एक गाय है।/ मैं गाय रखता हूं।
I have a cow.
2. तुम्हारे पास एक गेंद है।/तुम एक गेंद रखते हो।
You have a ball.
3. उसके पास एक घड़ी है।/वह एक घड़ी रखता है।
He has a watch.
4. मेरे पास एक बड़ा कमरा है।
I have a big room.
5. हमारे पास गेंद और बल्ला है।
I have a ball and a bat.
6. श्याम के पास एक कार है।
Shyam has a car.
7. मेरे पिताजी के पास एक बड़ा घर है।
My father has a big house.
8. तुम्हारे दादा जी के पास एक बंदूक है।
Your grandfather has a gun.
9. इस लड़की के पास किताबें हैं।
This girl has books.
10. सेना के पास हथियार हैं।
The army has arms.
12. मेरे पास एक टेलीविजन है।
I have a television.
12. रमेश के पास एक घड़ी है।
Ramesh has a watch.
13. सोहन के पास एक लाल पेन है।
Sohan has a red pen.
Read also:
- 100 Sentences of Present Perfect Tense in Hindi
- Use of Do and Does in Hindi
- Use of This and That in Hindi
- Use of These and Those in Hindi
- Affirmative Sentences in Hindi
Negative Sentences of Has Have in Hindi
Has या Have के Negative Sentences बनाने के दो तरीके होते हैं। पहला तरीका यह है कि है दिया है कि Has, Have के बाद Not लगाते हैं।
दूसरा तरीका ये है कि Singular Subject के साथ does not have तथा Plural Subjects के साथ do not have का प्रयोग करते हैं।
Structures –
1. Subject + has/have + not + noun/others words
2. Subject + do/does + not + have + noun/others
Note – जब do not या does not के बाद have का प्रयोग करते हैं तो यहां ‘Have’ main verb की तरह काम करता है।
Examples –
1. उसके पास घर नहीं है।
He has not a house.
He does not have a house.
2. तुम्हारे पास धन नहीं है
He has no money.
He does not have money.
3. हमारे पास कंप्यूटर नहीं है
We have not a computer.
We do not have a computer.
4. श्याम के पास समय नहीं है
Shyam has not time.
Shyam does not have time.
5. उनके पास कार नहीं है।
They have not a car.
They do not have a car.
6. चालक के पास लाइसेंस नहीं है।
The driver has not a license.
The driver does not have a license.
7. पवन के पास टेलीविजन नहीं है।
Pawan has not a television.
Pawan does not have a television.
8. बच्चों के पास पुस्तकें नहीं हैं।
The children have not books.
The children do not have books.
9. उसके पास खिलौने नहीं हैं।
He has not toys.
He does not have toys.
10. इस लड़की के पास यूनिफॉर्म नहीं है।
This girl has not a uniform.
This girl does not have a uniform.
- Use of Must in Hindi
- Use of Would in Hindi
- Simple Sentences in Hindi
- Use of Has to, Have to in Hindi
- Use of Shall be and Will be
- 50+ Present Indefinite Tense Examples in Hindi with Rules
Interrogative Sentences of Has and Have in Hindi
First Type – Yes-No Type Questions
यदि प्रश्नवाचक वाक्य ‘क्या’ से प्रारंभ है तो ‘क्या’ कि अंग्रेजी न लगाकर सबसे पहले Has या Have वाक्य के प्रारंभ में रखते हैं।
Structure – Has/Have + subject + noun/other words +?
Structure – 2 Do/Does + subject + have + noun + ?
1. क्या तुम्हारे पास पानी है?
Have you water?
Do you have water?
2. क्या उसके पास दवाइयां है?
Has he medicines?
Does he have medicines?
3. क्या उसके पास नई कार है?
Has he a new car?
Does he have a car?
4. क्या हमारे पास समय है?
Have we time?
Do we have time?
5. क्या नीलम के पास नई पुस्तकें हैं?
Has Neelam new books?
Does Neelam have new books?
6. क्या आपके पास पैसा है?
Have you money?
Do you have money?
7. क्या हमारे पास धन है?
Have we money?
Do we have money?
8. क्या इस ईमानदार व्यक्ति के पास समय है?
Has this honest man time?
Does this honest man have time?
9. क्या रोहन के पास छाता है?
Has Rohan an umbrella?
Does Rohan have an umbrella?
10. क्या इस लड़की के पास सोने की अंगूठी है?
Has this girl a ring?
Does this girl have a ring?
Second Type – Wh-words Type Questions
Structure – Question word + Has/Have + subject + noun/other words +?
Structure – 2 Questions word + Do/Does + subject + have + noun/other words + ?
Examples –
1. उसके पास क्या है?
What has he?
What does he have?
2. तुम्हारे भाई के पास क्या है?
What has your brother?
What does your brother have?
3. इस लड़की के पास कितने खिलोने हैं?
How many toys has this girl?
How many toys does this girl have?
4. राजू के पास कितनी बसे हैं?
How many buses has he?
How many buses does Raju have?
5. गडरिया के पास कितनी भेड़ें हैं?
How many sheep has the shepherd?
How many sheep does the shepherd have?
6. सोनू के पास क्या है?
What has Sonu?
What does Sonu have?
7. तुम्हारे पास कौन सी पुस्तक है?
Which book has he?
Which book does he have?
8. बच्चों के पास कौन-सी घड़ी है?
Which watch have the children?
Which watch do the children have?
9. श्याम के पास क्या है?
What has Shyam?
What does Shyam have?
10. आपके दादा जी के पास क्या क्या है?
What has your grandfather?
What does your grandfather have?
Interrogative Negative Sentences of Has and Have in Hindi
प्रश्नवाचक नकारात्मक वाक्यों में Subject के बाद not लगाते हैं।
Examples –
1. क्या तुम्हारे पास फोन नहीं है?
Have you not a phone?
Do you not have a phone?
2. क्या इन बच्चों के पास भोजन नहीं है?
Have these children not food?
Do these children not have food?
3. क्या इस गरीब आदमी के पास कपड़े नहीं हैं?
Has this poor man clothes?
Does this poor man not have clothes?
4. क्या उसके पास हथियार नहीं है?
Has he not arms?
Does he not have arms?
5. क्या रमेश के पास साइकिल नहीं है?
Has Ramesh not clothes?
Does Ramesh not have clothes?
6. क्या तुम्हारे दादाजी के पास छड़ी नहीं है?
Has your grandfather not a stick?
Does your grandfather not have a stick?
7. तुम्हारे पास क्या नहीं है?
What have you not?/What haven’t you?
What do you not have?/What don’t you have?
8. उसके पास कौन से पुस्तक नहीं है?
Which book has he not?/Which book hasn’t he?
Which book does he not have?
9. मेरे पास कितना समय नहीं है?
How much time has he not?
How much time do I not have?
10. उनके पास कितनी पतंगें नहीं हैं?
How many kites do they not have?
- Use of Shall have to and Will have to in Hindi
- Class 2 Hindi to English Translation
- Hindi to English Story Translation Practice
- Use of Articles A, An and The in Hindi
Use of Has Have in Present Perfect Tense
Has तथा Have का प्रयोग Present Perfect Tense में Helping Verb के रूप में होता है। इसमें मुख्य क्रिया की तीसरी अवस्था (III Form of Main Verb का प्रयोग करते हैं।
Structure – Subject + Has/Have + Verb III + Object + other words
Examples –
1. वह यह पुस्तक पढ़ चुका है।
He has read this book?
2. श्याम दो घंटे सो चुका है।
Shyam has slept for two hours.
3. वे अपनी गाय बेच चुके हैं।
They have sold their cows.
4. राजेश जोशी दिल्ली में दो साल रह चुके हैं।
Rajesh Joshi has lived in Delhi for two hours.
5. राजू अपने गांव से आ चुका है।
Raju has come from the village.
6. तुम अपने वस्त्र धो चुके हो।
You have washed your clothes.
7. वह तुम्हारी मदद कर चुका है।
He has helped you.
8. वे इस नगर में रह चुके हैं।
They have lived in this town.
Use of Has Have in Passive Voice
Passive Voice में Has, Have को Has been, Have been में बदल कर लिखते हैं।
Examples –
1. Jack has taken his medicine.
His medicine has been taken by Jack.
2. I have called you before.
You have been called by me before.
- Use of It in Hindi and meaning of it with Rules, Examples (It का प्रयोग)
- Use of There in Hindi and meaning | There का प्रयोग हिंदी में सीखिए।
- Can का प्रयोग हिंदी में सीखिए
Has Have Exercises in Hindi for Practice (Translate into English)
If you have read the use of has have in Hindi, you must try to solve these exercises to check your knowledge. There are three exercises to translate into English.
Exercise – 1
- सोनू के पास नया कंप्यूटर है।
- माली के पास ताजे आम हैं।
- हमारे पास नई गाड़ी है।
- उनके पास छाता है।
- लड़के के पास बाइक है।
- किसान के पास बैल हैं।
- मेरे पिताजी के पास कर है।
- चोर के पास चाबी है।
- पुलिस के पास बंदूक है।
- डॉक्टर के पास दवाइयां हैं।
- इन लोगों के पास समय है।
- सेना की पास हेलीकॉप्टर है।
- हमारे अध्यापक के पास ज्ञान है।
- इन शरारती छात्रों के पास पुस्तकें हैं।
- शिकारी के पास जाल है।
- बंदर के पास केला है।
- मेरे पास एक पेंसिल है।
- तुम्हारे पास काली गाय है।
- उसके पास एक वफादार कुत्ता है।
- रानी के पास एक योजना है।
- Simple Present Tense
- Present Continuous Tense
- Present Perfect Tense
- Present Perfect Continuous Tense
- Simple Past Tense
- Past Continuous Tense
- Past Perfect Tense
Exercise – 2
- चोरों के पास हथियार नहीं है।
- हमारे पास उपन्यास नहीं है।
- उनके पास शीशा नहीं है।
- राजू के पास ट्रक नहीं है।
- इस आदमी पास हाथी नहीं है।
- तुम्हारे पिताजी के पास भैंस नहीं है।
- रेखा के पास ताजी फूल नहीं है।
- इन लड़कों के पास खाना नहीं है।
- सुनार के पास सोना नहीं है।
- सिपाही की पास बंदूक नहीं है।
Exercise – 3
- क्या तुम्हारे पास पुरानी मशीनें हैं?
- क्या उसके पास चाकू है?
- क्या चोरों के पास रहती है?
- क्या डॉक्टर के पास इंजेक्शन है?
- क्या किताबों में पन्ने हैं?
- क्या माताजी के पास साड़ी है?
- क्या शिकारी के पास कपड़े हैं?
- क्या उसके पास कुत्ता है?
- क्या तुम्हारे पास थोड़ा पानी है?
- क्या उनके पास कुछ नहीं है?
- तुम्हारे पास क्या नहीं है
- सीता के पास कौन तो सी पुस्तक के नहीं है।
- राजू के पास कौन सी कार नहीं है।
- उसके पास यह घड़ी नहीं है।
- क्या तुम्हारे पास एक नया मोबाइल फोन है?
- 100 Sentences of Simple Future Tense in Hindi - June 6, 2024
- Present Tense in Hindi – परिभाषा, प्रकार तथा उदाहरण - March 17, 2024
- Personal Pronoun in Hindi – Definition, Examples and Rules - March 8, 2024
Exercise 1
Sonu has a new computer
Malli has fresh mangoes
We have a new car
They have an Umbrella
The boy has a bike
The Farmer has an ox
My father has a car
The thief has a key
Police has a gun
Doctor has medicines
They have time
The army have helicopter
Our Teacher have knowledge
These Naughty boys have books
The hunter has a net
The monkey has a banana
I have a pencil
You have a black cow
He has a loyal dog
Rani has a plan
Thieves have not Arms | Thieves do not have Arms
We have not Novel | We do not have Novel
They have not Mirror | They do not have Mirro
Raju has not Truck | Raju does not have Truck
This man has not An Elephant | This man does not have an Elephant
Your father has not Buffalow | Your father does not have Buffalo
Rekha has not fresh flowers | Rekha does not have fresh flowers
These boys have not food | These boys do not have food
Sonar has not gold | Sonar does not have gold
The soldier has not gun | Soldier does not have gun
Exercise 3
Have you old machines? | Do you have the old machine?
Has he nife? | Does he have nife?
Has doctor Injection | Does the doctor have an injection?
Have pages in the books? | Do pages have in the books?
Has Mother a Saree? | Does Mother have a Saree?
Has beggar clothes? | Does Beggar have cloth?
Has he a Dog? | Does he have a Dog?
Have you some water? | Does you have some water?
Have they nothing? | Do they have nothing?
What have you not? | What does you not have?
Which car has Raju not? | Which car does Raju not have?
Please post correct answers if any changes in these above sentences.
Your examples have many mistakes.
Like wh. Word type examples………
And wh. Negative sentences erorr are give 👇
5th sentences.
Sorry for mistakes, We have corrected all mistakes.
This is very unique technique to explain about uses of have and..
I’m very happy by seeing this type of facilities on Google.
That’s why I would like to say thank to Google for such types of help for us.
Your ke sath kya lagta has/have
It depends on the noun which comes after your. For example:
1. Your brother has come.
2. Your brothers have come.
you are best teacher and good knowledge best of luck.
read in such a simple way
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