Future Perfect Continuous Tense in Hindi – Rules, Exercises and Examples. Future Perfect Continuous Tense Exercises in Hindi and Translation Rules. फ्यूचर परफेक्ट कंटीन्यूअस टेंस हिंदी में। If you are learning English grammar in Hindi, you are at the right place to learn grammar. We have explained every rule of Future Perfect Continuous with Examples and Exercises in Hindi.
इस पोस्ट के माध्यम से आप फ्यूचर परफेक्ट कंटीन्यूअस टेंस हिंदी में सीखेंगे। इस Tense के सभी Rules, Examples तथा Exercises आगे दी गयी हैं। Future Perfect Continuous Tense को Hindi में पूर्ण अपूर्ण भविष्य काल कहते हैं।
Future Perfect Continuous Tense in Hindi
Future Perfect Continuous Tense का प्रयोग उन कार्यों को व्यक्त करने के लिए किया जाता है जो भविष्य में किसी निर्धारित समय तक जारी रहेंगे।
जैसे –
1. वह 2 घंटे तक खेलता रहेगा।
2. वे 2 दिन तक यहां मेहनत करते रहेंगे।
Explanation: ऊपर दिए गए वाक्यों में से पहले बात में यह निर्धारित किया जा रहा है कि कोई व्यक्ति 2 घंटे तक खेलने का कार्य करता रहेगा। दूसरे वाक्य में कार्य 2 दिन तक जारी रहेगा। इन वाक्यों से पता चलता है कि फ्यूचर परफेक्ट कंटीन्यूअस टेंस (Future Perfect Continuous Tense in Hindi) का प्रयोग भविष्य में किसी समय के लिए निर्धारित कार्यों को व्यक्त करने के लिए किया जाता है।
Future Perfect Continuous Tense की पहचान –
हिंदी वाक्यों के अंत में रहा होगा, रही होगी, रहे होंगे, रहा हूंगा आदि शब्द आते हैं तथा दो कार्यों का वर्णन भी हो सकता है।
जैसे –
- राम 2 घंटे तक सोता रहेगा।
- मैं तुम्हें 4:00 बजे तक पढ़ाती रहूंगी।
ऊपर दिए गए sentences में verbs के अंत में ता रहेगा, ती रहेगी आदि शब्द आये हैं। अतः ये वाक्य Future Perfect Continuous Tense (फ्यूचर परफेक्ट कंटीन्यूअस टेंस) के हैं।
Helping Verb – Shall have been, Will have been
Main Verb – Verb I + ing
Note – 1. I और We के साथ Shall have been तथा He, she, it, they, you, Rohan, the girl, the boy आदि के साथ Will have been का प्रयोग करते हैं।
2. इस टेंस में समय सूचक शब्दों (time expressing words) का प्रयोग भी होता है।
- Use of shall and Will in Hindi
- Past Continuous Tense in English
- Present Continuous Tense in English
- Present Perfect Continuous Tense in English
- Parts of Speech Exercises with answers
Affirmative Sentences (साधारण वाक्य)
Structure – Subject + Shall have been/Will have been + Verb Ing + Object + Other Words
Examples –
1. वह 2 घंटे तक पढ़ता रहेगा।
He will have been reading for hours.
2. मैं 3:00 बजे तक अपना पाठ याद करता रहूंगा।
I shall have been learning my lesson by three o’clock.
3. श्याम 2 घंटे तक कमरा साफ करता रहेगा।
Shyam will have been cleaning the room for two hours.
4. वह 12:00 बजे तक गाना गाता रहेगा।
He will have been singing a song by 12 o’clock.
5. बच्चे शाम तक खेलते रहेंगे।
The children will have been playing by evening.
6. श्याम 2 घंटे तक अपने दादी जी के साथ चलता रहेगा।
Shyam will have been walking for two hours.
7. बच्चे सुबह तक पिताजी का इंतजार करते रहेंगे।
The children will have been waiting for father by morning.
8. सरकार 5 सालों तक गरीबों की मदद करती रहेगी।
The government will have been helping the poor for five years.
9. ये जानवर तुम्हारे खेत में बहुत देर तक चरते रहेंगे।
These and will have been grazing in your field for a long time.
10. आपका बच्चा सुबह तक सोता रहेगा।
Your child will have been sleeping by morning.
Read also:
- Noun in Hindi – Meaning and Kinds
- Pronoun in Hindi – Meaning and Kinds
- Adjective in Hindi – Meaning and Kinds
- Adverb in Hindi
- Auxiliary Verbs in Hindi
- 50+ Present Indefinite Tense Examples in Hindi with Rules
- Parts of Speech Exercises with answers
Negative Sentences (नकारात्मक वाक्य)
Structure – Subject + Shall not have been/Will not have been + Verb I + ing + object + other words
Examples –
1. वे दोपहर तक अपना समय नष्ट नहीं करते रहेंगे।
They will not have been wasting their time at noon.
2. तुम्हारा भाई 3:00 बजे तक नहीं पढ़ता रहेगा।
Your brother will not have been studying by three o’clock.
3. पुलिस चोर को शाम तक नहीं ढूंढते रहेगी।
The police will not have been searching the thief by evening.
4. पिताजी 2 घंटे तक पूजा नहीं करते रहेंगे।
Father will not have been worshipping for two hours
5. दादी हमें रात तक कहानियां नहीं सुनाती रहेगी।
Grandmother will not have been telling the stories at night.
6. मैं तुम्हें 2 साल तक अंग्रेजी नहीं पढ़ाता रहूंगा।
I shall not have been teaching you by two years.
7. राजा कई वर्षों तक जनता की सेवा नहीं करता रहेगा।
The king will not have been serving the people for many years.
8. यह पुराने खिलाड़ी 2 घंटे तक नहीं खेलते रहेंगे।
These old players will not have been playing for 2 hours.
9. मेरे सभी मित्र 5:00 बजे तक मेरा इंतजार नहीं करते रहेंगे।
All my friends will not have been waiting for me by 5 o’clock.
10. दादा जी 8:00 बजे तक महाभारत नहीं देखते रहेंगे।
Grandfather will not have been watching Mahabharata by 8 o’clock.
- Use of is am are in Hindi with examples
- Use of was were in Hindi with Rules and Examples
- Present Continuous Tense Examples in Hindi
Interrogative Sentences (प्रश्नवाचक वाक्य)
Yes-No Type Questions
Structure – Shall/ Will + subject + have been + verb I + ing + object + others words + ?
Examples –
1. क्या मैं 2 घंटे तक खाना पकाता रहूंगा?
Shall I have been cooking the food for two hours?
2. क्या तुम शाम तक मेरे साथ खेलते रहोगे?
Will you have been playing with me by evening?
3. क्या मछलियां 24 घंटे तक तैरती रहेगी?
Will the fish have been swimming for 24 hours?
4. क्या हम 2 दिन तक बन में भटकते रहेंगे?
Shall we have been wandering in the forest for days?
5. क्या मैं 4 दिनों तक दिल्ली में अपना काम करता रहूंगा?
Shall I have been doing my work in Delhi for 4 days?
6. क्या वह इस महीने के अंत तक उपन्यास लिखता रहेगा?
Will he have been writing the novel by the end of this month?
7. क्या वह 5 घंटे तक पानी में तैरता रहेगा?
Will he have been swimming in water for 5 hours?
8. क्या रेखा शाम तक जंगल में भटकती रहेगी?
Will Rekha have been wandering in the forest by evening?
9. क्या ये बच्चे तुम्हें 2 घंटे तक परेशान करते रहेंगे?
Will these children have been disturbing you for 2 hours?
10. क्या हम जनवरी तक यहां काम करते रहेंगे?
Shall we have been working here by January?
Wh-words Questions
Structure – Question word + shall/ will + subject + have been + verb I + ing + object + others words + ?
Examples –
1. डॉक्टर साहब तुम्हें 2 महीने तक क्या देते रहेंगे? What will the doctor have been giving you for two months?
2. हम कितने दिनों तक अपने भाई के घर पर रुके रहेंगे?
For how many days shall we have been staying at our brother’s house?
3. मां सुबह तक अपने बच्चे को प्यार क्यों करती रहेगी?
Why will mother have been loving her child by morning?
4. चपरासी 2 घंटे तक कब ऑफिस साफ करता रहेगा?
When will the peon have been cleaning the office for two hours?
5. मैं तुम्हें 2 साल तक अंग्रेजी क्यों पढ़ाता रहूंगा?
Why shall I have been teaching you English for two years?
6. बच्चे 2 घंटे तक क्या करते रहेंगे?
What will the children have been doing for two hours?
7. राधा अपने भाई के साथ कितने घंटे पार्क में खेलती रहेगी?
For how many hours will Radha have been playing with his brother?
8. श्याम के मित्र 4:00 बजे तक उसका इंतजार कहां करते रहेंगे?
Where will Ram’s friend have been waiting for him by 4 o’clock?
9. इस कंपनी का मालिक तुम्हें 10 साल तक कितना वेतन देता रहेगा?
How much salary will the owner of this company have been paying you for 10 years?
10. अध्यापक बच्चों को 2 घंटे तक क्या समझाते रहेंगे?
What will the teacher have been explaining for two hours?
Interrogative Negative Sentences (प्रश्नवाचक नकारात्मक वाक्य)
In the Interrogative Negative Sentences, we put ‘not’ after subject.
Examples –
1. क्या तुम्हारे कक्षा अध्यापक 10 मिनट तक हाजिरी नहीं लगाते रहेंगे?
Will the teacher not have been taking attendance for ten minutes?
2. क्या तुम्हारा बच्चा 2:00 बजे तक दूध नहीं पीता रहेगा?
Will your child not have been drinking milk by two o’clock?
3. अध्यापक 1 महीने तक बच्चों को क्या नहीं पढ़ाते रहेंगे?
What will the teacher not have been teaching the children for a month?
4. चोर 2 घंटे तक घर में से क्या नहीं चुराता रहेगा?
What will the thief not have been stealing in the house for two hours?
5. वह जुलाई से विद्यालय क्यों नहीं आता रहेगा?
Why will he not have been coming to school from July?
6. यह लड़का कार्यालय में 3 घंटे तक क्या नहीं करता रहेगा?
What will this boy not have been doing in the office for 3 hours?
7. तुम 2 दिन तक अपने अभिभावकों से बात क्यों नहीं करते रहोगे?
Why will you not have been talking to your guardians for two days?
8. वह 5:00 बजे तक कहां काम नहीं करता रहेगा?
Where will he not have been working by 5 o’clock?
9. ये तैराक 2 घंटे तक पानी में क्यों नहीं तैरते रहेंगे?
Why will these swimmers not have been swimming for two hours for two hours?
10. वैज्ञानिक 2 सालों तक इस वायरस की खोज क्यों नहीं करते रहेंगे?
Why will the scientists not have been discovering this virus for two years?
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Future Perfect Continuous Tense Exercises in Hindi
Here are some exercises are given for practice. Try to solve these Hindi to English translation exercises:
Exercise – 1
1. मैं 2 दिनों तक अतिथियों के लिए खाना पकाता रहूंगा।
2. वह 1 महीने तक मेरे साथ अंग्रेजी सीखना रहेगा।
3. पिताजी 2 घंटे तक अखबार पढ़ते रहेंगे।
4. दादाजी 10 मिनट तक मंदिर में पूजा करते रहेंगे।
5. हम 3 घंटे तक मैदान में हॉकी खेलते रहेंगे।
6. वह जनवरी तक इस कार को बनाता रहेगा।
7. मेरी कक्षा अध्यापक 4 जुलाई तक हमें गणित पढ़ाते रहेंगे।
8. आज शाम तक बारिश होती रहेगी।
9. पुलिस 2 घंटे तक चोर के पीछे दौड़ती रहेगी।
10. वे 4 घंटे तक पानी में तैरते रहेंगे।
Exercise – 2
1. राजू 2 महीने तक इस कंपनी में नौकरी नहीं करता रहेगा।
2. हम सोमवार तक गणित के प्रश्न हल नहीं करते रहेंगे।
3. दादा जी 10:00 बजे तक हमें कहानियां नहीं सुनाते रहेंगे।
4. रमेश 2 दिनों तक तुम्हें ईमेल नहीं लिखता रहेगा।
5. तुम 10 मिनट तक उस अजनबी से बात नहीं करते रहोगे।
6. यह लड़का 5:00 बजे तक इस पार्क में दौड़ नहीं लगाता रहेगा।
7. वह शाम तक नदी से मछलियां नहीं करता रहेगा।
8. हम कल तक इस बूढ़े व्यक्ति की सहायता नहीं करते रहेंगे।
9. मैं 4:00 बजे तक तुम्हें गणित नहीं पढ़ाता रहूंगा।
10. हम 2 घंटे तक इस नदी को पार नहीं करते रहेंगे।
Exercise – 3
1. क्या वह 2:00 बजे तक नदी में तैरता रहेगा?
2. क्या तुम 4 साल तक मुंबई में काम करते रहोगे?
3. क्या वह 2 साल तक मिस्टर वर्मा से संगीत सीखता रहेगा?
4. क्या शिकारी 3 घंटे तक जंगल में शेर का पीछा करता रहेगा?
5. शाम तक तुम्हें कौन पढ़ाता रहेगा?
6. दादाजी 3 सप्ताह तक तुम्हें क्या सिखाते रहेंगे?
7. क्या वह 2 घंटे तक तुम्हारे साथ चलता रहेगा?
8. यह चपरासी 3 घंटे तक कौन सा कमरा साफ करता रहेगा?
8. लड़का 2 घंटे तक पानी में क्यों तैरता रहेगा?
9. हम शाम तक नाव से कहां जाते रहेंगे?
10. क्या वे 2 घंटे तक तुम्हारा इंतजार नहीं करते रहेंगे?
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Future Perfect Continuous Tense Exercises in Hindi Answers
The answers of Future Perfect Continuous Tense Exercises Hindi in given below. You can check your answers with these answers.
Exercise – 1 Answers
1. I shall have been cooking food for the guests for 2 days.
2. He will have been learning English with me for 1 month.
3. Dad will have been reading the newspaper for 2 hours.
4. Grandfather will have been worshipping in the temple for 10 minutes.
5. We shall have been playing hockey in the field for 3 hours.
6. He will have been making this car by January.
7. My class teacher will have been teaching maths to us by 4th July.
8. It will have been raining by this evening.
9. The police will have been running after the thief for 2 hours.
10. They will have been swimming in water for 4 hours.
Exercise – 2 Answers
1. Raju will not have been working in this company for 2 months.
2. We shall not have been solving maths problems by Monday.
3. Grandfather will not have been telling us stories by 10 o’clock.
4. Ramesh will not have been writing emails to you for 2 days.
5. You will not have been talking to that stranger for 10 minutes.
6. This boy will not have been running in this park by 5:00 PM.
7. He will not have been catching fish from the river by evening.
8. We will not have been helping this old man by tomorrow.
9. I shall not have been teaching you maths by 4:00.
10. We shall not have been crossing this river for 2 hours.
Exercise – 3
1. Will he have been swimming in the river by 2:00?
2. Will you have been working in Mumbai for 4 years?
3. Will he have been learning music from Mr. Verma for 2 years?
4. Will the hunter have been chasing the lion in the jungle for 3 hours?
5. Who will have been teaching you by evening?
6. What will Grandpa have been teaching you for 3 weeks?
7. Will he have been walking with you for 2 hours?
8. Which room will this peon have been cleaning for 3 hours?
8. Why will the boy have been swimming in water for 2 hours?
9. Where shall we been going by boat by evening?
10. Won’t they have been waiting for you for 2 hours?
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sir plz give rest of the solutions ………….plz sir
I have updated the solutions, please check.
thankyou very much sir..u have helped a me lot.
you teach about grammar of every student Sir. I am also very interested with your class
Sir affirmative sentence example 1 me two (hours ) likhna bhul gaye hai aap
Sorry for mistake.