Past Perfect Continuous Tense Exercises in Hindi – Sentences for Translation. Hindi to English Translation of Past Perfect Continuous Tense Exercises in Hindi.
Past Perfect Continuous tense की Exercises Hindi में Translation के लिए आगे दी गई हैं। इस टेंस की एक्सरसाइज सॉल्व करने से पहले आपको पास्ट परफेक्ट कंटीन्यूअस टेंस की पहचान नियम तथा उदाहरण का ज्ञान होना बहुत आवश्यक है। अगर आप tense सीखना चाहते हैं तो वेबसाइट पर दी गई सभी टेंस की लिंक पर क्लिक करके आप tense सकते हैं और प्रैक्टिस के लिए दी गई exercises को सॉल्व अवश्य करें।
इस पोस्ट में Past Perfect Continuous Tense in Hindi के affirmative sentences, negative sentences तथा interrogative sentences दिए गए हैं।
Past Perfect Continuous Tense Exercises in Hindi
Affirmative Sentences
1. सोहन 2 दिन से मंदिर जा रहा था |
2. हमारी टीम कल से मैच खेल रही थी|
3. मैं 1 वर्ष से कठिन परिश्रम कर रही थी|
4. वह सोमवार से नाच रही थी |
5. 3 घंटे से लड़के शोर मचा रहे थे |
6. सुमन सवेरे से पाठ याद कर रही थी|
7. मैं जनवरी से उसे पढ़ा रहा था |
8. वह 2 वर्ष से मेरी सेवा कर रहा था|
9. वह बहुत देर से क्रिकेट खेल रहे थे |
10. पिताजी 2 घंटे से समाचार पत्र पढ़ रहे थे |
11. किसान 2 सप्ताह से बीज बो रहे थे |
12. लड़के बहुत दिनों से गीत गा रहे थे |
13. सुमन सुबह से नाच रही थी|
14. पिताजी 2 दिन से सो रहे थे|
15. मरीज 3 दिन से दवाई खा रहा था |
16. वह आदमी बहुत दिनों से घूमने जा रहा था|
17. बकरी बहुत दिनों से घास खा रही थी|
18. पिताजी 1 घंटे से गंगा जी में स्नान कर रहे थे|
19. मैं 2 दिनों से अपने मित्र का इंतजार कर रहा था|
20. किसान 2 सप्ताह से फसलों को काट रहे थे।
Read also:
- Present Indefinite Tense Exercises in Hindi
- Present Continuous tense Exercises in Hindi
- Present Perfect Tense Exercises in Hindi
- Present perfect continuous tense Exercises in Hindi
Negative sentences – Past Perfect Continuous tense Tense Exercises in Hindi
1. डाकिया बहुत दिनों से पत्र नहीं ला रहा था |
2. वह 1 माह से साइकिल नहीं चला रहा था|
3. बच्चे बहुत दिनों से दूध नहीं पी रहे थे|
4. धोबी 2 दिनों से कपड़े नहीं हो रहा था |
5. किसान 1 सप्ताह से अपने खेतों को नहीं जोत रहे थे |
6. राम सवेरे से अपना कार्य नहीं कर रहा था|
7. खिलाड़ी 2 घंटे की फुटबॉल नहीं खेल रहे थे|
8. मोहन दो दिनों से खाना नहीं खा रहा था|
9. वह 1 माह से मंदिर नहीं जा रहा था |
10. सोहन 1 सप्ताह से अपना घर साफ नहीं कर रहा था|
11. आलोक 2 दिनों से स्नान नहीं कर रहा था|
12. वह 4 दिनों से पत्र नहीं लिख रहा था|
13. मरीज 1 सप्ताह से दवाई नहीं ले रहा था|
14. मनोज 1 घंटे से दरवाजा नहीं खटखटा रहा था|
15. कल रात से बारिश नहीं हो रही थी|
16. वह 8 बजे से गाना नहीं गा रही थी|
17. यह बच्चा 3 दिनों से नहीं रो रहा था|
18. माताजी आधा घंटे से कपड़े नहीं धो रही थी|
19. पुलिस 2 घंटों से चोरों का पीछा नहीं कर रही थी|
20. खिलाड़ी 4 बजे से नहीं खेल रहे थे |
- Class 10 Hindi to English Translation
- 50+ Present Indefinite Tense Examples in Hindi with Rules
- Present Continuous Tense Examples in Hindi
Past Perfect Continuous Tense Exercises Interrogative Sentences in Hindi
Yes-No Type Sentences
1. क्या आप यहां 2 घंटे से पढ़ रहे थे ?
2. क्या सीता 2 दिनों से खाना पका रही थी?
3. क्या मैं 2 घंटे से खेल रहा था?
4. क्या वह बहुत देर से हमारी प्रतीक्षा कर रहा था?
5. क्या चौकीदार 10 बजे से पहरा दे रहा था?
6. क्या बच्चा सवेरे से सो रहा था?
7. क्या माली 5 बजे से पौधों को पानी दे रहा था ?
8. क्या अध्यापिका 10 बजे से बच्चों को पढ़ा रही थी?
9. क्या आप 7 से टीवी देख रहे थे?
10. क्या दादी मां 2 घंटे पर कहानी सुना रही थी?
11. क्या बच्चा सुबह से रो रहा था?
12. क्या वह 2 सप्ताह से गाना सीख रही थी?
13. क्या जज साहब 2016 से मुकदमे की सुनवाई कर रहे थे?
14. क्या 1 वर्ष से यह नौकर मेरी सेवा कर रहा था?
15. क्या वह शुक्रवार से दवा खा रहा था?
16. क्या मुकेश 2 दिन से सिनेमा जा रहा था?
17. क्या वे 1 वर्ष से कठिन परिश्रम कर रहे थे?
18. क्या वह 1 घंटे से चित्र बना रही थी?
19. क्या वे 10 मिनट से गुलाब का फूल बना रहे थे?
20. क्या बच्चे चार दिन से फल खा रहे थे?
Wh-word Type Interrogative Sentences
1. कुत्ता 1 घंटे से क्यों भौंक रहा था ?
2. तुम 4 बजे से क्या पढ़ रहे थे ?
3. वह 1 घंटे से कौन सा गीत गा रही थी?
4. वह 2 घंटे से किसकी साइकिल चला रहा था?
5. तुम 3 घंटे से क्या दिख रहे थे?
6. लड़के 1 घंटे से फुटबॉल कहां खेल रहे थे?
7. वे 2 घंटे से क्यों सो रहे थे?
8. तुम सुबह से क्या काम कर रहे थे?
9. वह 4 बजे से कौन सा खेल खेल रहा था?
10. 1 वर्ष से तुम क्या काम कर रहे थे?
11. माताजी सुबह से नाश्ते में क्या बना रही थीं?
12. माताजी 1 सप्ताह से रामायण क्यों पढ़ रही थीं?
13. माली 2 दिन से पौधों को पानी क्यों दे रहा था?
14. वह 2 दिन से मंदिर क्यों जा रहा था?
15. वह 1 घंटे से चित्र क्यों बना रहा थ
16. वे 10 मिनट से गुलाब का फूल क्यों देख रहे थे?
17. बच्चे 4 दिन से फल क्यों खा रहे थे?
18. अशोक सवेरे से पुस्तक क्यों पड़ रहा था?
19. बच्ची बहुत देर से क्यों हंस रहे थे?
20. शेर 2 घंटे से जंगल में क्यों दहाड़ रहा था ?
Read also:
- Past Indefinite Tense Exercises in Hindi
- Past Continuous Tense Exercises in Hindi
- Past Perfect Tense Exercises in Hindi
- Future Indefinite Tense Exercises in Hindi
- Future Continuous Exercises in Hindi
- Future Perfect Tense Exercises in Hindi
- Future Perfect Continuous Tense Exercises in Hindi
Exercise – 1 Answers
1. Sohan had been going to the temple for 2 days.
2. Our team had been playing match since yesterday.
3. I had been working hard for a year.
4. She had been dancing since Monday.
5. The boys had been making noise form 3 hours.
6. Suman had been memorizing the lesson since morning.
7. I had been teaching him since January.
8. He had been serving me for 2 years.
9. He had been playing cricket for a long time.
10. Father had been reading newspaper for 2 hours.
11. Farmers had been sowing seeds for 2 weeks.
12. The boys had been singing a song for a long time.
13. Suman had been dancing since morning.
14. Father had been sleeping for 2 days.
15. The patient had been taking medicine for 3 days.
16. The man had been going for a walk for a long time.
17. The goat had been eating grass for a long time.
18. Father had been taking bath in Ganga ji for an hour.
19. I had been waiting for my friend for 2 days.
20. Farmers had been harvesting crops for 2 weeks.
Exercise – 2 Answers
1. The postman was not bringing the letter for a long time.
2. He had not been cycling since 1 month.
3. The children had not been drinking milk for a long time.
4. Washerman had not been getting clothes for 2 days.
5. Farmers had not been plowing their fields for a week.
6. Ram had not been been doing his work since morning.
7. Players had not been playing football for 2 hours.
8. Mohan had not been eating food for two days.
9. He had not been going to the temple for a month.
10. Sohan had not been cleaning his house for a week.
11. Alok had not been taking bath for two days.
12. He had not been writing the letter four 4 days.
13. The patient had not been taking medicine for a week.
14. Manoj had not been knocking at the door for an hour.
15. It had not been raining since last night.
16. She had not been singing the song since 8 o’clock.
17. This baby had not been crying for 3 days.
18. Mother had not been washing clothes for half an hour.
19. The police have not been chasing the thieves for 2 hours.
20. The players had not been playing since 4 o’clock.
Exercise – 3 Answers
1. Had you been studying here for 2 hours?
2. Had Sita been cooking food for 2 days?
3. Had I been playing for 2 hours?
4. Had he been waiting for us for a long time?
5. Had the watchman been guarding since 10 o’clock?
6. Had the child been sleeping since morning?
7. Had the gardener been watering the plants since 5 o’clock?
8. Had the teacher been teaching the children since 10 o’clock?
9. Had you been watching TV since 7 o’clock?
10. Had Grandma been telling the story at 2 hours?
11. Had the child been crying since morning?
12. Had she been learning to sing for two weeks?
13. Had the judge been hearing the case since 2016?
14. Was this servant serving me for a year?
15. Had he been taking medicine since Friday?
16. Had Mukesh been going to the cinema for 2 days?
17. Had they been working hard for a year?
18. Had she been drawing for an hour?
19. Had they been making rose flower for 10 minutes?
20. Had the children been eating fruits for four days?
Read also:
Exercise – 4 Answers
1. Why had the dog been barking for an hour?
2. What had you been studying since 4 o’clock?
3. Which song had she been singing for an hour?
4. Whose cycle had he been riding for 2 hours?
5. What had you been watching for 3 hours?
6. Where had the boys been playing football for an hour?
7. Why had they been sleeping for 2 hours?
8. What work had you been doing since morning?
9. Which game had he been playing since 4 o’clock?
10. What work had you been doing for a year?
11. What had Mother been preparing for breakfast since morning?
12. Why had Mother been reading Ramayana for a week?
13. Why had the gardener been watering the plants for 2 days?
14. Why had he been going to the temple for 2 days?
15. Why had he been drawing for an hour?
16. Why had he been watching the rose flower for 10 minutes?
17. Why had the children been eating fruits for 4 days?
18. Why had Ashok been reading the book since morning?
19. Why had the girl been laughing for so long?
20. Why had the lion been roaring in the forest for 2 hours?
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Hello teacher
Hello Mandeep
Thank sir very nice